2020 Tama Starclassic Walnut-Birch Samples


Incredibly Unique Sound … This beautiful snare has a Neon Oyster finish combined with Black Nickel hardware, but it sounds even better than it looks. It offers a beautiful combination of Low to Mid tones from the 2 plies of American Black Walnut along with the strong attack and projection produced from the 4 plies of Birch. One of our favorite sounding snare drums.


  • Dimensions: 6.5” x 14”

  • Shell: Walnut and Birch

  • Batter Head: Tama G1 by Evans

  • Resonant Head: Tama Snare Side 300 by Evans

  • Snares: Tama 20-strand

  • Tuning:

    • Fundamental Pitch = 199 Hz

    • Batter = 314 Hz

    • Resonant = 386 Hz

  • LUFS: -17.0

* Download links will be displayed on the checkout confirmation page for your purchased samples.

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Incredibly Unique Sound … This beautiful snare has a Neon Oyster finish combined with Black Nickel hardware, but it sounds even better than it looks. It offers a beautiful combination of Low to Mid tones from the 2 plies of American Black Walnut along with the strong attack and projection produced from the 4 plies of Birch. One of our favorite sounding snare drums.


  • Dimensions: 6.5” x 14”

  • Shell: Walnut and Birch

  • Batter Head: Tama G1 by Evans

  • Resonant Head: Tama Snare Side 300 by Evans

  • Snares: Tama 20-strand

  • Tuning:

    • Fundamental Pitch = 199 Hz

    • Batter = 314 Hz

    • Resonant = 386 Hz

  • LUFS: -17.0

* Download links will be displayed on the checkout confirmation page for your purchased samples.

Incredibly Unique Sound … This beautiful snare has a Neon Oyster finish combined with Black Nickel hardware, but it sounds even better than it looks. It offers a beautiful combination of Low to Mid tones from the 2 plies of American Black Walnut along with the strong attack and projection produced from the 4 plies of Birch. One of our favorite sounding snare drums.


  • Dimensions: 6.5” x 14”

  • Shell: Walnut and Birch

  • Batter Head: Tama G1 by Evans

  • Resonant Head: Tama Snare Side 300 by Evans

  • Snares: Tama 20-strand

  • Tuning:

    • Fundamental Pitch = 199 Hz

    • Batter = 314 Hz

    • Resonant = 386 Hz

  • LUFS: -17.0

* Download links will be displayed on the checkout confirmation page for your purchased samples.

Included with purchase are 10 24-bit Sample Files with a sample rate of 48kHz, and 1 Roland SPD-SX compatible file (16-bit, 44.1kHz), all professionally tracked with 24 mics in our new South Studio designed specifically for drums.

  1. Mastered Best Sample (_drumName.wav)

  2. Sample with Close Mics

  3. Sample with Overhead Mics

  4. Sample with Room Mics

  5. Sample with Wall Mics

  6. Sample with Ceiling Mics

  7. Sample with Floor boundary Mic

  8. Sample with remote Stairway Mic

  9. Sample with RimClick

  10. Sample with Rimshot

  11. Best Sample for Roland SPD-SX

Also included are 30 individual velocity samples with 5 different velocities containing 3 round robins each: one set of 15 files for All Mics, and one set of 15 for only Room Mics (excludes the close mics 1-5 below). This allows you to easily create MIDI files and/or trigger replacements.  You can also use the Room Mic-only velocity files for layering or creating a unique sound enhanced by our incredible drum tracking room.

Take a listen …


Tracking Signal Chain Used across 24 Mics:

    1. Top:  Lauten Audio Snare Mic > Neve 1073 > dbx 160

    2. Top:  Sennheiser 409 > Neve 1073 > dbx 160

    3. Top:  SM57 > Neve 1073 > dbx 160

    4. Shell:  SM57 > Neve 1073 > dbx 160

    5. Bottom:  SM57 > Neve 1073 > Pultec EQP > dbx 560

    6. Front:  AKG 414 > Newton > SPL TDx

    7. Stereo Overheads:  sE T-1’s > UA 710 > UA 1176

    8. Stereo Room:  R-121’s > API 212L

    9. Stereo Room:  Coles 4038’s > API 212L

    10. Stereo Room:  Lewitt 440’s > SSL SuperAnalogue

    11. Room behind Gobo:  AKG P220 > UA 6176

    12. Room:  Beyerdynamic M 160 > SSL SuperAnalogue

    13. Floor:  Lauten Audio 220 FET > Neve 517

    14. Ceiling KSM32 > UA 710

    15. Ceiling:  MXL 250 > UA 610 > Distressor

    16. Ceiling:  R144 > SSL SuperAnalogue

    17. Wall (barn wood):  AKG 214 > Neve 511 > Distressor

    18. Wall (brick):  KSM32 > UA 710 > UA 1176

    19. Wall (quadratic diffuser):  47 FET > UA 710 > UA 1176

    20. Remote Stairway:  R1 MKIII > SSL SuperAnalogue > Pultec EQP > Bluey 1176

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